Imagine getting your blog posts done in time to capture timely sales opportunties…
A little outside support from an RCM content writer goes a long way.
Image getting up gap-filling, sales-enabling, optimized blog posts up so regularly Google rewards your efforts with higher rankings…
Rely on another pair of hands to move production along.
Blog Content Research and Writing Done for/with You
I jump on the keywords or gaps your team has targeted and create the SEO content that your sales professionals can keep at their fingertips to speed sales.
When optimized correctly for search, these pieces will also draw new prospects with purchase intent into your funnel.
Unique, fresh SEO (blog) content shows Google you’re committed to providing the best answers to searchers questions. Answers are the coin of the search realm, and Google wants good, meaningful ones.
Never, never write a blog post on just any topic. Always have a strategy and be ready to promote it and follow up on it’s success.
And always turn to an RCM content writer who understands…
- provider revenue ecosystem
- revenue cycle terminology and concepts
- provider pain points, needs, and opportunities.
… and has written hundreds of blog posts, and dozens of case studies featuring revenue issues at hospitals, specialist groups, and individual practices.
AI Assistance Can Speed Projects and Reduce Fees, But…
Some clients prefer their copywriters never touch AI for their projects. Others appreciate that it helps drop quotes and get projects more quickly.
I’ve found it to be a useful tool to SPEED FIRST DRAFTS and possibly ADD SOME EXTRA DIMENSIONS.
I’ve also found it CANNOT: 1. connect genuinely to a specific audience; 2. tell the TRUTH about REAL sources; 3. convey emotion or humor; 4. provide the most current insights; 5: include the very unique details only thought leaders in specific RCM spaces have access to.
I’m happy to quote projects with or without AI-assistance. Either way, I deliver the very best assets.
Blog content production doesn’t have to be an exercise in aggravation.
❌ Begging overwhelmed product managers and executives to write blog posts
❌ Trolling Upwork for writers who couldn’t tell “charge capture” from “charge master”
❌ Explaining how effective keywording works
Get blog content built around your best opportunity keywords that includes appropriate synonyms and keywords in all the spots Google wants. Deliver fresh, unique answers the search engines rely on to meet the billions of searches citizen around the world perform every day.
My blog posts contain:
🤗 relevant current trends and statistics
🤗 information from interviewed product managers and other company executives
🤗 lively, scannable format
🤗 calls to action
🤗 meaningful internal and external links
🤗 charts and images (as needed)
Ready to relieve your SEO (blog) content stress and burden? Schedule a 30-minute consultation with me!